Thursday, May 11, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions Part 2

1. What are you going to eat? You're the pickiest eater in the world!

Ah, friends, you know me so well! Alas, it is true that there will be no pork chops, steaks, mashed potatoes, corn or peas on my dinner plate. African food will be very different from the good ol' Iowa meat-and-potatoes diet I know and love. I am well aware of this, and am repeatedly telling myself that surely rabbit tastes just like chicken. Since they have a rabbit farm that the kids basically run to learn life skills, my guess is that I'll be eating a lot of it. I may load my suitcase with granola bars just it case. I'm really hoping for rice at every meal, just for something filling that I am familiar with! Plan B: I'm bringing several pairs of pants with drawstring waists!

2. How are you paying for this?

Another good question, and honestly it's an issue I almost used as an excuse. I had been praying about how I was going to afford this, and then one day found an early Christmas card with cash inside in my work mailbox. I felt like God was saying don't worry about it and don't make excuses -- this is what I want you to do and it's going to happen one way or another! So I've been saving a lot, doing more dogsitting to earn extra money, and putting my tax refund toward the mission trip rather than go on a shopping spree (ha ha . . . that's a little joke for those of you who know how much I hate shopping). Some of you have asked if you can contribute, and that would be awesome. You can send a check to Ascension Lutheran Church, 2505 North Circle Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 and write Tiffany's Mission Trip on the memo line. That way it's tax deductable, too!


At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the drawstring pants is really your best option.

Remember that conversation we 'averted' about what Sheri & I ate in Africa....

There were days when would would PRAY for some good ole hausenfeffer.

:) Good luck...If you lose tons of wieght, just tell everyone you went on Survivor!

Andrew "Bring me my hausenfeffer!" B.

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant "hasenpfeffer"


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