Friday, July 31, 2009

We Made It!

Here's a first: I woke up FREEZING in Africa! When we got to our hotel last night, Alicia wasn't feeling too great after 24 hours in airports and on airplanes. She cranked the little A/C unit in our hotel room in Accra and it blasted out cold air all night . . . she's going to be in for a rude awakening when we leave the hotel in an hour or so.

The flights were good, on time, and not too much turbulence. Mia became the new record holder for fastest proposal! We hadn't been on Ghanaian soil for fifteen minutes before an airport worker asked Alicia (the elder -- hahaha) for permission to marry Mia. She held up her left hand and wiggled her fingers. That's her grandpa's old wedding band on the all-important finger, but no one here needs to know that. :)

We're going to grab some breakfast and take off, but just wanted to let everyone know we're safe!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to the Orphanage!!

I'm so excited . . . I'm going to be surrounded by the kids I love by the end of this week! Some people asked me at church on Sunday if I'd be blogging again, so I'll try my best . . . it's such a short trip this time that I don't know how much time we'll be spending at internet cafes, but I'll try to give you updates. I know some of you really fell in love with the kids through this blog, so I want to fill you in on their lives! Check again this weekend and hopefully I'll have something for you!