Sunday, August 05, 2007

Back at Adullam Orphanage!

We spent the day at the orphanage, first for worship (SO not Lutheran!) and then just to hang out after lunch. The kids are as beautiful as ever -- some look really different from last year, but they still want to be held, play with hair, sing songs, and all of the same old things! :) They are adorable. I will write more when I have more time, but just wanted everyone to know we are here and safe and doing well! Thanks for the prayers!


At 3:43 PM, Blogger momuv7 said...

Glad to know you all made it safe and sound! Can't wait to hear all the wonderful stories.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! Happy to hear you made it safe and sound. Enjoy your time there -- we know how much it means to you. :)

Jill & Mike

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you made it back! I am sure these 10 days are going to fly by. Is Emmanuel still there? I know you were completely attatched to him! Give them all hugs and kisses from Iowa! Take care, and enjoy! Take it all in, every single moment. Jen, Dave, & Carter


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