Friday, July 28, 2006

My Itinerary

Lots of you have asked what my schedule is. I can give you the first two weeks at least!

Wednesday, August 2 -- Fly out o f Denver at 1AM

Thursday, August 3 -- Arrive at Arusha, Tanzania at 8:30PM

Friday, August 4 (Happy Birthday, Dad!!) -- Visit Thomas, one of the Compassion Children our Sunday School students sponsor. Meet his family, see where he lives, etc.

Saturday, August 5 (Congratulations Bill & Alison! Can't wait to see the wedding pics when I get home!) through Thursday, August 10 -- Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Friday, August 11 through Saturday, August 12 -- Photo safari in the Ngorogoro Crater & celebrate my friend & travelling companion Cheryl's birthday

Sunday, August 13 -- Worship at the Lutheran Church in Arusha

Monday, August 14 -- Fly from Tanzania to Accra, Ghana

Tuesday, August 15 -- Drive to Obuasi and begin my two & a half months of volunteering at the orphanage!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One week from now I'll be in the air!!

It's hard to believe, but I'm one week away from leaving!

Wanted to share this link with you so you can take a peek at some of the kids I'll be working with at the orphanage -- they're so adorable!

Go to to read the orphanage's mission statement, see pictures, and more.

And pray that I get everything done this last week that needs to be finished before I leave!