Thursday, August 03, 2006

We're Here!

We made it to Africa!! Unfortunately, our luggage did not. We're not quite sure where it is right now . . . we had a very tight connecting flight at JFK in New York, and the bags didn't make it on. They sent them on the next flight to Dubai, but they hadn't made it to Dar Es Salaam by the time we left for our last connecting flight to Kilimanjaro. Luckily I thought ahead and packed all of the gifts for Thomas, the Compassion Child, in my carry-on, so the visit tomorrow will go ahead as planned. We're just hoping that we get our bags by tomorrow (Friday) night since we're supposed to start hiking Kilimanjaro on Saturday morning!! Other highlights of the long and tiring journey thus far: getting served roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and cooked carrots on the flight across the ocean (yum! one last great American meal!), and walking into the men's restroom at the Dar Es Salaam airport (I'm pretty sure I was out before the man at the urinal even turned around and saw me . . . ).

Now we're going to take showers using the one bar of soap provided by the hotel, crawl into our twin beds that look better than king size to two sleep deprived girls, and get some zzzz's! Just wanted to let everyone know we got here safely!



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