Friday, August 04, 2006

My Time With Thomas

So I go halfway around the world, and where am I taken on my first day in Africa? A LUTHERAN CHURCH!!! I kid you not!! The Compassion International project for this particular suburb is housed at a Lutheran church. Getting there was a bit scary -- they have no stopsigns, traffic signals, crosswalks, or any sort of traffic rules in general from what I can tell. It seemed like a giant game of dodgeball with cars, tractors, bicycles, and pedestrians, and I was quite sure my taxi driver was going to kill someone. We made it, though!

For anyone who sponsors a child through Compassion International or any other relief organization, start saving up your money so you can make a home visit! And if you don't sponsor a child now, start! Not only did I meet Thomas, but I met his family, people at his church, every kid within a ten mile radius (so it seemed), and saw the impact sponsorship is having on his life. He and all of the adults I met kept telling me over and over to thank all of the children at the church.

Thomas is a very quiet and sweet little ten-year-old. He lives with his mother in a room that's smaller than my bedroom. Maybe about the size of or a little smaller than Mrs. Judy's Sunday School room. The walls are made of a dirt/dung mixture and are covered on the inside by cardboard. There are no lights or windows. When his mom met me, she gave me a big hug and several kisses (after a loud "lelelelelelelele"). She said that without his sponsorship, he wouldn't be able to go to school, have clothes to wear, etc. The sponsorship also provides food for both of them. He LOVED the soccer ball, especially with all of the signatures from Ascension kids on it. He has an 18-year-old brother who lives in the neighborhood and I told him to make sure none of the bigger kids steal it! I think his favorite thing, though, was the bubbles!! He didn't know what they were at first, but I have a feeling he spent the rest of the day blowing them!

I also went to his school, walked all over his neighborhood, and generally saw things that will now help me picture what he writes about in his letters. When I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up, he said, "A teacher, so I can make money and sponsor other children who need it." Pretty amazing for a ten-year-old.

Can't wait to tell all of the Sunday School kids about my visit when I get home -- and I've got lots of pictures!


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Malcom!
Thanks so much for sending me the postcard about this, so I can stay updated. Admire doesn't begin to explain how much respect I have for you & all that you do with the church & volunteering. Have a great time, and you'll be in my thoughts & prayers!

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff. You Made it. Just wanted you to know all our thoughts and prayers are with you there.Tell Thomas we said hello and are very happy he is doing good.You know we started missing you the night you left. Hope all goes well on your hike.(can't wait to see the pics)
We love ya and take care we will write often. ~John and Robyn~

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay ~ soo glad you made it, Tiffany! And hooray for Compassion sponsorship. How great that you got to see your church's impact, firsthand. You are in my prayers.


At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee! I'm so thrilled to read your updates! We've been following your intinerary and thinking about you every step of the way! I can just picture from your words you walking around the neighborhood with Thomas! Kids love you the instant they meet you! You're inspiring me to talk to Andrew about sponsoring a child! Can't wait to hear about summitting Kili and how you're feeling about making it to the orphanage. Hoping your hiking with YOUR gear!
Love and many, many prayers for safety and wondrous moments with all of God's people!
Sheri, Andrew and Micah


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