Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ngorogoro Safari

Do any of you remember Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom? That's pretty much what the safari felt like. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see a tiger attack and eat a gazelle or anything truly exciting like that, but we had a lion, an elephant, and a rhino all pretty much parade and pose for us. And I really didn't know that there were so many zebras and wildebeest in the entire world, let alone in one place like that. It was awesome. I was pretty much out of it the first half day since I had been up the entire night before with digestive issues, but I was much better for the second half day after a good night's sleep. Obviously I haven't figured out how to download pictures in Africa yet, or I could show you some pretty awesome things. I'll work on it!

Today is a rest day before I fly out early tomorrow morning for Ghana. Then a new adventure begins at the orphanage! I'm very excited! Some prayer requests:

  • safe flights from Tanzania to Kenya, then Kenya to Ghana
  • good health, especially since my digestive system does not seem to be agreeing with much of anything and I've already gotten a severe sunburn (on my hands, of all places!)
  • that I won't be overwhelmed by the sadness of the children's stories at the orphanage and will just be able to do all I can to make them feel happy & loved

I'm not sure when I'll get to post again, since I won't have an internet cafe just down a few floors like I have now at this hotel! But I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your prayers, and talk to you all soon!




At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to hear about your fantastic adventures. Good luck on your trip to Ghana. You're in my prayers daily. I know what a blessing you will be to the children you meet, and I know they will be a blessing for you as well.



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