Monday, September 04, 2006

Week 3 Report

So what do you do there? That's what I know most of you are wondering. Well, my usual way of going about things -- planning, preparing, leading, etc. -- is out the window. They simply want volunteers to be with the kids, which has been frustrating to me at times -- who knew I was so Type A?

So my days are random and unplanned. I hold babies (I've accepted the fact that their diapers will leak and I will go home smelling like pee every day.) I play cards. I hold kids who want to more closely examine my frecked white skin and my long hair. I push swings and go down the slide in trains (never as the engine or caboose, though, because then only one kid would get to touch me and mass chaos would break out). And more than anything, I sing. I am the walking juke box. Kids follow me around, tugging on my clothes, saying, "Do this." Then they'll do the motions to the opening line of Pharaoh Pharoah, My Rock My Sword My Shield, The Hippo Song, or anything else that has silly actions. I go through my extensive repetoire at least four times a day, which honestly drives me insane some days, but how can I deny these kids something that makes them laugh when they have so little?

I'm not sure how I can express how little the children have here. Yes, they have the basics. They each have a bed to sleep in, but no pillows, blankies, or stuffed animals. They all have clothes, but most of them are ripped, have missing buttons, have broken zippers, or the elastic is gone (I can't count how many times a day I get mooned by a little brown butt!). And they have three meals a day, but nothing you or I would eat, just bowls of mush to fill their little bellies. At a prayer meeting last week, the older kids were praying for rice. Rice! Because that's so good compared to what they get if money is tight. There are no toys or extras of any kind. The older kids (middle school/high school age) are crazy about soccer, but most of them just have flip flops, so they will share a pair of tennis shoes, hiking boots, or whatever's been donated, running barefoot on one foot and kicking the ball with their right or left foot, whichever one is covered by the shoe.

So although the lack of order drives me crazy sometimes, I understand the ministry of presence . . . just giving my time and love to whatever kid wants it. The kids in the pictures are Abby & Kofi on top (their names are actually much longer, but I can only catch the first couple of syllables!) and Emmanuel on the bottom. They are some of my most fervent song requestors!!

So that's what I do. Thanks for you prayers and messages. I wish I could get to the internet more and stay longer!!


P.S. If you want to make a donation online, you can do so at -- it goes through a church in Georgia. They send a group over every year. They were just here a few months ago and built a great playground!!


At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiffany, I see that you are wearing "our" pants in the pic! (Okay, they are your pants, but glad I didn't know of the leaky diaper problem when I held the baby on my Compassion visit, or I would have worried about soiling "our" only pair of good pants.) Sounds like your's is a "cup of water" ministry, with God's goodness flowing through you. I will pray that God keeps filling you, that you will not run dry. (I wonder if Jesus got any diaper leakage on him when he did the "let the little children come unto me"?) Puts it into a new perspective.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany,

Naveen is moving this Saturday- was wondering if you were coming back to help? Just kidding.

Thanks for the updates. Just imagine if you were getting paid to that type of work- wouldn't that be heaven? And you thought us day camp directors (let alone youth workers) get tired of the Hippo song.

I'm already thinking about 2007 Day Camp and two things are coming to mind. One- how about a "field trip" by Tiffany about her expereince one afternoon? & Two- what about our offering going to the orphange?

We'll talk (with Joyce) when you return. You haven't missed much, the Rockies are in last place (big surprise), the Broncos are ready to start their season this Sunday, & I received a flier about CC hockey season tickets.

I check this about once a week, but know that you are prayed for everyday.

In Christ,
Your Sports Reporter

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany! I finally checked your page out. You are simply a saint! It takes a strong and brave persoon to do what you are doing. I admire that! It is Sunday, Sept 10, and it is freezing, rainy, and cold here today. The warm sun looks good where you are. I would guess that it gets to be a little bit much, at times. Not much going on here in Ankeny. Went back to AC for my birthday (oh joy, another year older!). Take care of yourself! Jennifer

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany,
You are looking good! Your pictures are priceless! Wish we could send bunches of shoes over there. The church picnic was today. The weather held out, but as it was an 11:00am Broncos game we didn't have as large a crowd. BYW they lost, Plummer had 4 interceptions.....sigh. Miss you. Love reading your letters. Keeping you and the kids in our prayers.


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