Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Week 7

Cute picture alert! Yes, those are twelve babies potty training all at once. Makes you think going through it with one or even two wasn't all that bad, huh? They have a bunch of bowls, and if a kid can hold himself up, he's eligible for a bowl. Most of them have no idea what they're supposed to be doing on it!

The second picture is like a very easy version of Where's Waldo. Where's Tiffany? Gee, that's a toughie! This was during "recess" one day. For some reason, when you take a picture, they all yell Jesus instead of Cheese and put a fist in the air! I'm trying to get them to break the habit, but most of my pictures are fist shots!

And I was finally able to get the last picture of the babies loaded from a few weeks ago, so now you can scroll down and see Akua.

Things are going well. I realized this weekend that I don't have a lot of time left and it's hard to believe! But I'm looking forward to thin mountain air. It's very hot and humid here!! Surprisingly, I haven't gotten sunburned like I thought I would.

Now that everyone's settling back into the routine of school, some of the teachers are asking me to help with different things, so I'm happy to have new "jobs." I'm going to lead P.E. for one class tomorrow and make bracelets with another.

You who know my comfort level with babies will find it humorous that yesterday I was puked on by not one but two babies in the course of about fifteen minutes. One I had just fed an entire bottle and the whole thing came back up. The second one crawled over to me while I was feeding another one and threw up on my leg. Surprisingly I didn't throw up, which I thought was very adult of me. :) Maybe I'll be able to be a mother someday if I can continue to master those gag reflexes!

Thanks for your prayers and comments and everything -- miss you all!



At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puke seems to be the theme of your trip, you after strawberry milk, me after 17,500 ft, babies after bottles. May God grant you a strong stomach and safe return, which is coming quickly!

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will definitely pass this potty training tip along to Kirsten & Russ - two should be a snap! The picture is great - a true Anne Geddes photo!! You remain in our thoughts and prayers! Blessings! Darcy

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you! Womens's retreat is this weekend. And i wish I was there with you! Prayers and blessings! Ina Kay

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff, Sounds like you need a good cleaning crew to come help you out! We could recommend someone for you. (haha) It is hard to beleive that time is starting to run short.What an amazing experience you have had and are having.Let me know if you need us:0) Looking forward to all the stories. God be with you and take care. ~John & Robyn~

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! We were at your parents last weekend. This time they knew everyone was coming :), it was for Hattie's birthday. We got to see your letters, and some of the children's letters and pictures. How cute! I was blown away that they do not allow outside of the country adoptions. I had no idea. That is really sad, I am sure there are families here that would love to have some of those cuties!

The weather has been pretty good here. It sounds like it is supposed to get colder by the end of the week. Possibly a hard freeze-YIKES!

Otherwise a typical fall in Iowa, it is harvest time. Most of the beans are out, and the corn is coming out as we speak. Almost all of the leaves are on the ground, and the kids here are wondering what to be for Halloween. What a different world we have here, compared to where you are now.

Take care, keep working in the gag reflexes (sounds like you are doing great!), and kiss the babies for all of us back here!

Jennifer, Dave, & Carter

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm gonna hurl...

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff!

Its nice to know that you didnt hurl. I bet your really wanting to come back, but really wanting to stay. I must say, confermation stinks without you. Really it does. and everything is very disorganized, so we ALL are ready for your return. I love your pics of the kids. their SO cute! We have had a lot of things happen. As you probably know Micahs diabetes. Also the puppies are a lot of work but they are super cute.
love and miss you!

Ryana and Marissa, and Ana and Sierra ;)


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