Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Week 8

I think today I'll tell you about one of the most fun parts of being here at Adullam Orphanage -- WORSHIP! I really miss Lutheran liturgy, but when I leave I will also miss seeing kids DANCE during worship! I wish this blog had video capability, because I've gotten some great footage. It's like a cross between MTV and a revival, if you can imagine. And no, I haven't really joined in. I kind of do a white girl sway . . . I stand out enough the way it is, so I don't think I need to draw any more attention to myself! The first night I was there I laughed because it seemed some of the older boys were really praising God with their dancing, but some of the younger ones were leading with their butts and purposely bumping into other dancers. I guess the behavior of middle school boys is universal!

And the singing! These kids love to sing. Sometimes at worship they'll sing four or five songs, and sometimes they'll keep singing for an hour. They tend to start off low key and then rev up into the dancing songs and then wind down into reverential worship songs. I can sing along to "Sanctuary" and "Here I Am to Worship," the two songs I know, and sing a few words here and there during other songs I've kind of gotten used to.

Friday night we sat outside under the full moon. It was a lot like church camp, for those of you who have experienced that. I couldn't stop looking at the little boy in front of me, who had his eyes squeezed shut and was singing his heart out to a song called "Count Your Blessings One by One." In a couple of hours he would crawl into his bunk bed with no blanket, no pillow, and no one to tuck him in and say good-night, and you could just tell by the look on his face that he was thanking God for everything he had. If only we could all have that attitude instead of always asking for more and more!

So, they may not have much, but they have faith.

Since I only have videos of worship and no pictures, I'll post some random pictures today. The first is of cuddlebug David who cries every day when I leave, the second is of Alfred and Isaac, two nice little ten year olds, and the third
is of Priscilla and Raymond, who aren't old enough for school but were obviously old enough to find the chalk and have a little fun. :)


At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Tiff!
We just got your letter today! I'm so happy to know about Emmanuel! You and he will be in our prayers! I so hope!!! Micah had a great 2nd birthday. We rode an old steam engine up a mountain in WV...peak fall colors! Wonderful! We love you tons, can't believe your time there in almost over, but are anxious to hold you in person and hear your stories!!
s, a and m

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. We show Micah your photo online, and he says, 'Aunt Tiff'!!! :)

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiff, will you be able to come back to us. I think I know your heart well enough to know leaving will tear at your heart strings. Still missing you. Womens retreat gathered over $600.00 for the orphanage. LOVE XO
Ina Kay

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany! It is going to be so difficult for you to leave those precious babies! I am sure you have made such a difference in their lives, as they have in your! We will so look forward to your stories when you return! You remain in our thoughts and prayers! Darcy

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany,
What a blessing you are (& vice-versa). I might be convinced to join you in the Amazing Race, but you'd probably push me off said rope bridge.

Enjoy the journey & see you soon!
In Christ,

PS- Day camp materials have arrived- help!!!

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, those kids are so cute! Sounds like Madonna just adopted a baby from Africa. Is it only stars with money that can adopt the little cuties? They are all going to be devistated when you leave. They always look so happy when you are holding them. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures, and see more pictures. Think about you often!
Jennifer, Dave, & Carter


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